Saturday, June 28, 2008

Frustrating News

So, I received another call from YNP today, saying that "I know we gave you the choice of when you were coming up before, but now it's mandatory that you start at a later date. The reason being, that if you came at the first appointed date, we wouldn't be able to accommodate you, and it would be difficult to find work for you".

So, ladies and gents, I am no longer leaving halfway through July, I am now going to be leaving on the 11th of August and starting on the 14th of August.

This was actually extremely frustrating news. When I got this call, I was currently telling a friend who hadn't heard of my adventure-to-be about it.

So now, I am starting a later date, and, as of this past Tuesday, have worked myself out of a second job at ECCU. So, hopefully I'll be able to find temporary work for the next month and a half so I will have some money to actually get to Yellowstone with.

Please pray I'm able to find some work before I go, because if I don't...I'm going to go out of my mind with boredom.

One thing I don't know, however, is whether or not I will still be there for 3 full months, or I will be there from August 14th to October 22nd, which is my original termination date. I'll call and find out later, and will update when I have this information.

On the plus side, I now have a bit more time to be with my friends before I go, so I'm excited for that.

That's it for this safely, and listen to more Elliott Smith.

1 comment:

Jim Macdonald said...

Hey there,

Bummer on your news. I worked five summers in Yellowstone at Grant Village back in the day and now live in Bozeman, MT. Have you tried looking for work right away in some of the towns right on the boundary of the park - the gateway communities, especially West Yellowstone and Gardiner? Some of those places are probably looking right now for someone who could start right away - and they also may provide summer housing. It's just as beautiful on the boundary as in the interior, and you'd still have the August job if this doesn't work out.

Almost any google search will turn up several of the businesses - a phone book online probably some others. West Yellowstone would be your best bet, but personally, I like Gardiner a little more. Either way, it's great.

Good luck to you. I keep a "newspaper" on Yellowstone; that's how I found this - on one of my daily searches through blogs talking about Yellowstone.

And, no matter what, I expect you'll have a magical time - I know I did and still do. Camping in the Tetons today in fact. Not bad for a poor boy from Ohio ...
