Saturday, June 28, 2008

Frustrating News

So, I received another call from YNP today, saying that "I know we gave you the choice of when you were coming up before, but now it's mandatory that you start at a later date. The reason being, that if you came at the first appointed date, we wouldn't be able to accommodate you, and it would be difficult to find work for you".

So, ladies and gents, I am no longer leaving halfway through July, I am now going to be leaving on the 11th of August and starting on the 14th of August.

This was actually extremely frustrating news. When I got this call, I was currently telling a friend who hadn't heard of my adventure-to-be about it.

So now, I am starting a later date, and, as of this past Tuesday, have worked myself out of a second job at ECCU. So, hopefully I'll be able to find temporary work for the next month and a half so I will have some money to actually get to Yellowstone with.

Please pray I'm able to find some work before I go, because if I don't...I'm going to go out of my mind with boredom.

One thing I don't know, however, is whether or not I will still be there for 3 full months, or I will be there from August 14th to October 22nd, which is my original termination date. I'll call and find out later, and will update when I have this information.

On the plus side, I now have a bit more time to be with my friends before I go, so I'm excited for that.

That's it for this safely, and listen to more Elliott Smith.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Let me tell you about my (trip)"

The quote, for most, if not all of you, is from "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou", my favorite movie. I just replaced "boat" with "trip".

Anyway, on with the point. This post, is going to be about my trip, and the plans I have following.

My Dad and I will be leaving on July 17th, and will be spending 2 days up there fishing before I start work on the 22nd. I actually received a call today from YNP (Yellowstone National Park) giving me the option to start at a later date (mid-august) because the employees there at the moment aren't getting a full 40 hour work week. I told Greg (the man who called me about this option) that I truly was there for the experience, and didn't care about the work week, but I told him I'd be there till late October, so I'll be able to pick up work halfway through my "term". So, my first month and a half I'm there, I will most likely only be working 4 days a week. To be completely honest, I don't mind, that gives me so much time to explore and discover, which I'm ecstatic about. So, continue to check in for sure the first month and a half that I'm there (beginning of September) for constant updates about what I've been doing.

OK, time for the after-plans.

I convinced my Father, who desperately wanted to come up in July and fish with me after my term was over, to let me drive home by myself. I was originally going to come straight home (a 2 day drive). However, it had come to my attention that I needed a little self discovery time, and that I should make a road trip out of my journey home. I thought about driving down to Colorado and visiting "family" there. However, I google-mapped my location in YNP, and found out that I was due east of Portland, Oregon, and decided it would be an amazing experience to be completely out of my familiarity. So, I have made the decision to drive towards the coast. I will be visiting Washington, Oregon, and very possibly, CANADA. My plans at the moment are to visit the following cities for sure: Seattle, Portland, Crater Lake (I know it's not a city, but still a place I'm going to visit), San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Maria, Sulvang, and Santa Barbara. Those are the places I plan on visiting. Who knows where the road will take me? Also, I honestly don't know how long this will take me. Maybe a week...maybe a month. But the amazing thing is, I'm not going to be spending money on hotels and such wherever I visit (accept for Canada, those will be day trips), so I'll be able to be gone longer than I would be if I were staying in a hotel. I do plan on camping on a beach (if the one my Pops has talked about is still there), so I'll be spending a little on that. However, other than that, I won't be spending anything but for food, gas, and fun.

I can't wait to relay all of my stops with everyone who has visited the site so far, and who will in the future. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll update in a month or sooner, depending on what plans I make, or whatever comes up involving going to YNP or thereafter :)

And on a side note: Viva La Vida by brilliant.

Au revoir, et bon soir. (Goodbye, and good night).

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Welcome One and All!

To my friends and family:
This is where I shall be posting all of my adventures from my 3 months in Yellowstone and adventures to Seattle, Portland, and so on down the coast on my trip home. I hope all of you check in occasionally.

Just an FYI, I leave July 17th with my Dad, we'll be fishing for 2 days. I officially start work on the 22nd.

I love and will miss you all.