Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Let me tell you about my (trip)"

The quote, for most, if not all of you, is from "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou", my favorite movie. I just replaced "boat" with "trip".

Anyway, on with the point. This post, is going to be about my trip, and the plans I have following.

My Dad and I will be leaving on July 17th, and will be spending 2 days up there fishing before I start work on the 22nd. I actually received a call today from YNP (Yellowstone National Park) giving me the option to start at a later date (mid-august) because the employees there at the moment aren't getting a full 40 hour work week. I told Greg (the man who called me about this option) that I truly was there for the experience, and didn't care about the work week, but I told him I'd be there till late October, so I'll be able to pick up work halfway through my "term". So, my first month and a half I'm there, I will most likely only be working 4 days a week. To be completely honest, I don't mind, that gives me so much time to explore and discover, which I'm ecstatic about. So, continue to check in for sure the first month and a half that I'm there (beginning of September) for constant updates about what I've been doing.

OK, time for the after-plans.

I convinced my Father, who desperately wanted to come up in July and fish with me after my term was over, to let me drive home by myself. I was originally going to come straight home (a 2 day drive). However, it had come to my attention that I needed a little self discovery time, and that I should make a road trip out of my journey home. I thought about driving down to Colorado and visiting "family" there. However, I google-mapped my location in YNP, and found out that I was due east of Portland, Oregon, and decided it would be an amazing experience to be completely out of my familiarity. So, I have made the decision to drive towards the coast. I will be visiting Washington, Oregon, and very possibly, CANADA. My plans at the moment are to visit the following cities for sure: Seattle, Portland, Crater Lake (I know it's not a city, but still a place I'm going to visit), San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Maria, Sulvang, and Santa Barbara. Those are the places I plan on visiting. Who knows where the road will take me? Also, I honestly don't know how long this will take me. Maybe a week...maybe a month. But the amazing thing is, I'm not going to be spending money on hotels and such wherever I visit (accept for Canada, those will be day trips), so I'll be able to be gone longer than I would be if I were staying in a hotel. I do plan on camping on a beach (if the one my Pops has talked about is still there), so I'll be spending a little on that. However, other than that, I won't be spending anything but for food, gas, and fun.

I can't wait to relay all of my stops with everyone who has visited the site so far, and who will in the future. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll update in a month or sooner, depending on what plans I make, or whatever comes up involving going to YNP or thereafter :)

And on a side note: Viva La Vida by brilliant.

Au revoir, et bon soir. (Goodbye, and good night).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope jd, that you at least take showers on your way down the coast. I fear people might die if your odor suddenly becomes odious. haha!
