Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day Hike

I went on a hike today, up the Cabin Creek trailhead. Gorgeous hike.

Tomorrow is my other day off. May go fishing, may just stick around.

I finished a great book today called "Through Painted Deserts". It's about a spiritual journey of Don Miller, and how he road tripped from Houston Texas to Portland Oregon in a POS van with his friend Paul. It's a fantastic book, very funny, very serious, and I highly suggest reading it when you get the chance.

Update with Xanterra. I sent them an e-mail telling them that I am working here at the Campfire Lodge through Labor day, and I have yet to hear from them. So cross your fingers if they decide to let me start on the 2nd or not. If not, I'll just be heading home after my time here at CL.

Update on that, I love it here. I couldn't ask for a more beautiful place to work, and fun people to work with. I'm going to miss it here when I leave. Who knows, if I like it enough, I may come back next season!

Check back in soon.



Anonymous said...

Wish I was still there, bud!

Pops -

librarymum said...

Hi JD! I finally had the chance to catch up with you on this blog and it's sure fun to read about your adventures. Your Uncle Larry and I are staying down at the beach house for a week, after we recently returned from a trip to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota. It was great and hardly any people!

Hope and pray all goes well and we will read your adventures often.
Love from us,
Aunt Janet