Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pocatello, Idaho

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So this is where my dad and I currently are. It took us 14 hours in total to get here from home. It was a nice drive up. Long...but nice. Those tinted windows really came in handy while driving through the Nevada/Arizona/lower Utah drive where it was 100 degrees plus (I have a thermometer in my car), but we kept cool.

Our legs and buttocks are killing us...and we appreciate the finer things in life (such as...walking for a few hours a day as compared to sitting on your dupa for 13 hours).

But, here we are, safe and sound in the Red Lion Hotel in Pocatello, Idaho (home of Idaho State University, mind you), chilling our bottle of Shiraz that we bought at the gas station (the liquor store closed at 9PM!), ready to relax.

Tomorrow: Drive up to Yellowstone and Gardner and other such places...job hunting! Maybe a little fishing? We will see.

G'night everyone!

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