Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hello, from Beaver UTAH
My last week at the Campfire was good. I actually was able to work a bit, which funded my trip home. I really loved the people there, and miss them all already.
I think I miss the whether of Montana most (it was 93 when I pulled up to my motel at 5pm MST!). It was about 40 this morning when I woke up, and got the joy of watching the temperature go up a 50 degree difference in one day.
I am looking forward to getting home and seeing everyone. They've all missed me (so they have told me many, many times), and I've missed them equally as much.
I was offered a job back at campfire if I had a free summer, as well as a place called the bar-n-ranch. But, who knows where I'll be with life next summer (hopefully on my way to getting my degree, as I have planned!), but if I am available, I know I'd love to return to Montana.
I thank all of you who frequently checked on this blog. If I proceed onto another adventure with life, I shall inform all of you via this site (depending on where I go, I may start another blog). Thank you all for your support, and I can't wait to have more personal conversations about my time in Montana with any of you who ask me.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Update on Yellowstone.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Another Animal Sighting, Bad News, Changes Coming
That's right. As of today, I WILL be going and working for Xanterra, starting next Tuesday (hopefully, if they still can accept me). Today, after work, my boss of the Campfire Lodge Resort cut me down to two days a week because the business has become so slow, and he had to let my other co-worker go. But all is well because I have another job lined up with the park, and if not, I'm going to look for another job around here or maybe even in Seattle! As the next week passes, I will know more.
Okay, animal sighting. I was sitting down in one of the campsites on Friday morning, reading "Decline and Fall" by Evelyn Waugh (great 20th century British Author that I highly suggest reading), and as I finished my chapter, and headed up towards my bunk house, a baby Cinnamon Bear was walking down the road! I stopped and waited for him to see me and for his reaction. He did see me after a few seconds, and then ran off down the road. It was really exciting because when my dad and I first got up here we were told about him, and a month later I finally saw him. I was excited.
Okay, time for the bad news. My clutch has stopped working. It didn't fall out or anything, but the clutch plate is stuck to the spline. In other words, I can't put it into gear when I start it up in neutral, and I can't start my car if it's in gear. I'm having it towed to the Toyota Dealer in Bozeman tomorrow. Hopefully they'll be able to fix the problem by next monday! So pray for that.
That's pretty much it for me. Check in again soon to see what happens next (I sound like a Saturday morning cartoon show...).
Au Revoir
PS-As I was cleaning a cabin today, a lady walked in asking to just look around because "it was interesting to see the other cabins". She recognized me and say "You're the young man with the blog aren't you? JD right?". I was quite tacken aback and told her I was and that I was curioud about how she knew about it. Apparently, it was posted on this website run by the park, and the pick up any blogs about yellowstone they find around the net, and that my site was posted on there! It was actually quite sureal. So miss, if you read this again, thank you for telling me. Bon Soir!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Cold, Very Cold
Everything else up here is fine and dandy, and I'm loving it.
An update on what I will be doing from here out. I've spoken with my boss about possibly staying with him as long as I can, because I indicated that I would like to (this would mean telling Xanterra to shove off). However, he said that if business starts slowing down for them, it might be a better bet for me to go and work with Xanterra, although he would love to hang onto me as long as he could (he really did say this). So, we will be talking again in 2 weeks, to see whether or not he'd be able to hang onto me through mid-September, or if it would be beneficial for me to go work with Xanterra on the 26th. I will update on this after my talk.
Au Revoir, friends and family, until my next update.
PS-Thank you to my Pops for putting up the pictures for me.
A bat?
Sunday, August 3, 2008
JD's Place
The first thing you come to is the Cafe/Fly Shop/Office. In the morning the cafe is so busy you can barely find a place to park.
Right out the back door of the cafe is the famous
Make a left turn and head up the road towards the bunkhouse (aka - JD's Place).
Here's the first view you get of the bunkhouse (yes, it really is only eight feet wide inside!).
There's a large deck where you can sit and read or just enjoy the view - or sleep!
And here's the inside, all newly redone. We decided to christen the place with a game of cribbage before JD took me to the airport in
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Day Hike
Tomorrow is my other day off. May go fishing, may just stick around.
I finished a great book today called "Through Painted Deserts". It's about a spiritual journey of Don Miller, and how he road tripped from Houston Texas to Portland Oregon in a POS van with his friend Paul. It's a fantastic book, very funny, very serious, and I highly suggest reading it when you get the chance.
Update with Xanterra. I sent them an e-mail telling them that I am working here at the Campfire Lodge through Labor day, and I have yet to hear from them. So cross your fingers if they decide to let me start on the 2nd or not. If not, I'll just be heading home after my time here at CL.
Update on that, I love it here. I couldn't ask for a more beautiful place to work, and fun people to work with. I'm going to miss it here when I leave. Who knows, if I like it enough, I may come back next season!
Check back in soon.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Campfire Lodge, first day
Oh…did I mention I got a job!? Yes, I am now working, as previously stated, at the Campfire Lodge, below
The CL is probably one of the most popular breakfast and lunch places in all of
Fishing Report: Yesterday SUCKED for fishing; I only got about 2 strikes (this term means a fish attempted to eat your fishing fly), while my dad, on the other hand, caught 2. Both, I believe, were Rainbow Trout. Today, however, was a much better day for both of us. We went down and fished the
I am waiting to hear on Xanterra if they’ll actually want me now or not. I let them know, that because of their schedule change with me, and us having made non-refundable reservations around
I’m going to now finish my glass of wine, and retire. I have to be up in 9 hours, (it’s now 10:45 MDT, and I must be up at 6 MDT, which, according to my
Hope to be able to update again soon.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I got a job!
~PS I am actually posting this on the 24th, because I was just now able to obtain internet access.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Pocatello, Idaho
View Larger Map
So this is where my dad and I currently are. It took us 14 hours in total to get here from home. It was a nice drive up. Long...but nice. Those tinted windows really came in handy while driving through the Nevada/Arizona/lower Utah drive where it was 100 degrees plus (I have a thermometer in my car), but we kept cool.
Our legs and buttocks are killing us...and we appreciate the finer things in life (such as...walking for a few hours a day as compared to sitting on your dupa for 13 hours).
But, here we are, safe and sound in the Red Lion Hotel in Pocatello, Idaho (home of Idaho State University, mind you), chilling our bottle of Shiraz that we bought at the gas station (the liquor store closed at 9PM!), ready to relax.
Tomorrow: Drive up to Yellowstone and Gardner and other such places...job hunting! Maybe a little fishing? We will see.
G'night everyone!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bon Voyage!
I will update here within the next 5 days to let anyone know if I found a job anywhere around YNP until my start date with Xanterra.
Pray for our voyage.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008 update
That's my update, and I'm sticking to it.
Look for an update in 3 weeks.
Song of the day: Take You on a Cruise by Interpol
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Frustrating News
So, ladies and gents, I am no longer leaving halfway through July, I am now going to be leaving on the 11th of August and starting on the 14th of August.
This was actually extremely frustrating news. When I got this call, I was currently telling a friend who hadn't heard of my adventure-to-be about it.
So now, I am starting a later date, and, as of this past Tuesday, have worked myself out of a second job at ECCU. So, hopefully I'll be able to find temporary work for the next month and a half so I will have some money to actually get to Yellowstone with.
Please pray I'm able to find some work before I go, because if I don't...I'm going to go out of my mind with boredom.
One thing I don't know, however, is whether or not I will still be there for 3 full months, or I will be there from August 14th to October 22nd, which is my original termination date. I'll call and find out later, and will update when I have this information.
On the plus side, I now have a bit more time to be with my friends before I go, so I'm excited for that.
That's it for this safely, and listen to more Elliott Smith.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
"Let me tell you about my (trip)"
Anyway, on with the point. This post, is going to be about my trip, and the plans I have following.
My Dad and I will be leaving on July 17th, and will be spending 2 days up there fishing before I start work on the 22nd. I actually received a call today from YNP (Yellowstone National Park) giving me the option to start at a later date (mid-august) because the employees there at the moment aren't getting a full 40 hour work week. I told Greg (the man who called me about this option) that I truly was there for the experience, and didn't care about the work week, but I told him I'd be there till late October, so I'll be able to pick up work halfway through my "term". So, my first month and a half I'm there, I will most likely only be working 4 days a week. To be completely honest, I don't mind, that gives me so much time to explore and discover, which I'm ecstatic about. So, continue to check in for sure the first month and a half that I'm there (beginning of September) for constant updates about what I've been doing.
OK, time for the after-plans.
I convinced my Father, who desperately wanted to come up in July and fish with me after my term was over, to let me drive home by myself. I was originally going to come straight home (a 2 day drive). However, it had come to my attention that I needed a little self discovery time, and that I should make a road trip out of my journey home. I thought about driving down to Colorado and visiting "family" there. However, I google-mapped my location in YNP, and found out that I was due east of Portland, Oregon, and decided it would be an amazing experience to be completely out of my familiarity. So, I have made the decision to drive towards the coast. I will be visiting Washington, Oregon, and very possibly, CANADA. My plans at the moment are to visit the following cities for sure: Seattle, Portland, Crater Lake (I know it's not a city, but still a place I'm going to visit), San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Maria, Sulvang, and Santa Barbara. Those are the places I plan on visiting. Who knows where the road will take me? Also, I honestly don't know how long this will take me. Maybe a week...maybe a month. But the amazing thing is, I'm not going to be spending money on hotels and such wherever I visit (accept for Canada, those will be day trips), so I'll be able to be gone longer than I would be if I were staying in a hotel. I do plan on camping on a beach (if the one my Pops has talked about is still there), so I'll be spending a little on that. However, other than that, I won't be spending anything but for food, gas, and fun.
I can't wait to relay all of my stops with everyone who has visited the site so far, and who will in the future. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll update in a month or sooner, depending on what plans I make, or whatever comes up involving going to YNP or thereafter :)
And on a side note: Viva La Vida by brilliant.
Au revoir, et bon soir. (Goodbye, and good night).
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Welcome One and All!
This is where I shall be posting all of my adventures from my 3 months in Yellowstone and adventures to Seattle, Portland, and so on down the coast on my trip home. I hope all of you check in occasionally.
Just an FYI, I leave July 17th with my Dad, we'll be fishing for 2 days. I officially start work on the 22nd.
I love and will miss you all.