Monday, August 18, 2008

Another Animal Sighting, Bad News, Changes Coming

Well hello one and all from West Yellowstone...for the last time!!

That's right. As of today, I WILL be going and working for Xanterra, starting next Tuesday (hopefully, if they still can accept me). Today, after work, my boss of the Campfire Lodge Resort cut me down to two days a week because the business has become so slow, and he had to let my other co-worker go. But all is well because I have another job lined up with the park, and if not, I'm going to look for another job around here or maybe even in Seattle! As the next week passes, I will know more.

Okay, animal sighting. I was sitting down in one of the campsites on Friday morning, reading "Decline and Fall" by Evelyn Waugh (great 20th century British Author that I highly suggest reading), and as I finished my chapter, and headed up towards my bunk house, a baby Cinnamon Bear was walking down the road! I stopped and waited for him to see me and for his reaction. He did see me after a few seconds, and then ran off down the road. It was really exciting because when my dad and I first got up here we were told about him, and a month later I finally saw him. I was excited.

Okay, time for the bad news. My clutch has stopped working. It didn't fall out or anything, but the clutch plate is stuck to the spline. In other words, I can't put it into gear when I start it up in neutral, and I can't start my car if it's in gear. I'm having it towed to the Toyota Dealer in Bozeman tomorrow. Hopefully they'll be able to fix the problem by next monday! So pray for that.

That's pretty much it for me. Check in again soon to see what happens next (I sound like a Saturday morning cartoon show...).

Au Revoir

PS-As I was cleaning a cabin today, a lady walked in asking to just look around because "it was interesting to see the other cabins". She recognized me and say "You're the young man with the blog aren't you? JD right?". I was quite tacken aback and told her I was and that I was curioud about how she knew about it. Apparently, it was posted on this website run by the park, and the pick up any blogs about yellowstone they find around the net, and that my site was posted on there! It was actually quite sureal. So miss, if you read this again, thank you for telling me. Bon Soir!

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